Head Lifeguard and Lifeguards

Posted: 02/03/2025

Head Lifeguard & Lifeguards
Village of Plain Pool
The Village of Plain is accepting applications for the positions of Head Lifeguard and Lifeguards for the 2025 pool season.
Head Lifeguard - Job duties include, but are not limited to, management of lifeguard staff, cleanliness and maintenance of the pool and poolhouse, scheduling, time sheets, ability to communicate effectively and work responsibly with children, adults, Pool Manager, Pool Committee, Director of Public Works and Village Clerk. Minimum of two years lifeguard experience, but exceptions may be made if the candidate meets other requirements/qualifications. Candidate must have their lifeguard certification. Hours will be variable. Pay will depend on experience.
Lifeguards –Applicants must be at least 15 years of age, and must also have taken, or be able to take, the Lifeguard Certification class. Ability to favorably work and communicate with children, parents, adults, Head Lifeguard and Pool Manager. Hours will be variable. Wages will be $12.00 per hour with an opportunity of up to a $.50 per hour bonus at the end of season.
Applications will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 11, 2025. Applications are available at the Plain Municipal Office, 510 Main Street, by calling 608-546-2047 or by visiting the Village website at www.villageofplain.com under “Forms.” Please address applications to Village of Plain, Attn: Pool Committee, 510 Main Street, Plain, WI 53577 or email to clerk@villageofplain.com.